Cosmo.com started in 1997 when "Cosmo", then a 19-year veteran of rock and roll touring, decided he wanted to start a Website utilizing his knowledge and experience of being on the road. What had originally started as a site listing bands on tour eventually grew into a Website providing information to other "roadies" about the places where they traveled.

As the hit counter grew, Cosmo.com's traffic was not only band members and road crews, but a huge part of the Internet traffic wanting to know about bands, places to go and what to do around the world. Cosmo.com then began receiving reviews and ideas from fellow touring buddies and the Website expanded even more.

Cosmo.com is still growing and traveling the world to cover more Cities and more choices of what to do in each city. The Bands and Tours pages will be continually updating tours. Cosmo Email will rival any free Web-based email service on the Internet.

Cosmo.com is providing you, whether you are traveling or just going out to dinner, looking for your favorite band or going to a concert, an ever-expanding website that provides you with information of all sorts- entertainment, traveling, shopping, email, and just plain surfing. Look around, learn, enjoy and watch Cosmo grow!ipod ipod ipod ipod ipod ipod ipod ipod ipod ipod ipod ipod ipod ipod ipod ipod ipod ipod ipod ipod ipod ipod ipod ipod ipod ipod ipod ipod ipod ipod ipod ipod ipod ipod ipod ipod ipod ipod ipod ipod